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Eric Roy's vegetables benefit from one of the most beautiful soils in the world, that of the Garden of the Kings of France. Taking advantage of this natural quality, they prefer to hand-pick their vegetables. By understanding the soil and the macro- and micro-fauna that develops there, they produce everything the product needs to be successful. A very short crop cycle with very controlled rotations, soil, climate, and crops are managed. To enrich the soil with nutrients, the foliage is crushed and reintegrated without any other input. That's their commitment to organic farming!
Hand selected and harvested according to the wishes of each customer, washed and prepared in wooden crates to maintain humidity, then everything must be ready for shipment and a "guaranteed freshness delivery".
This is far more than a desire, it is an obligation to preserve all the gustatory and aesthetic qualities of a product that time will inexorably alter, so long as it remains natural and does not require the addition or spraying of any preservatives.The key to success is freshness on the plate.
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