Gambero Rosso Prawns 43/50 L
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The Gambero Rosso prawn lives at a depth of 700 meters, where strong sea currents makes it pure. Its taste is intense, with sweet, smoky notes.
MALE GAMBERO ROSSO: The rostrum on which 4/5 small teeth can be seen is short and stops near the antennal bases. It can reach a weight of 25 gr, so it makes up the L and M packs. Average life is 4/5 years.
Commercial name: Red Prawn Species - Scientific name Aristaeomorpha foliacea FAO code: ARS Presentation: whole WHL Origin - Fishing area: FAO zone 37.2.2 Central Mediterranean Sea - Ionian Sea Fishing gear: trawl - (O.T.B) Antioxidant: E-586 4-hexylresorcinol Glazing: 0% Sulphites: 0%
Gambero Rosso Prawns 43/50 L